IE CLASSES is No.1 For B.TECH & Diploma tuition institutes in Bhubaneswar . Now a days the syllabus of B-TECH & Diploma Engineering is huge so you need extra guidance to get good score & concept clear during your B.TECH . We realized that student needs more guidance to get complete their respective subject quickly and easily . Coaching for esteemed streams of engineering like civil, electrical, electronics and communications , CSE , IT and mechanical engineering is provided at IE CLASSES under the kind guidance of well seasoned teachers who had been experts and accomplished in their respective subject . We provide notes to all students. We offer guaranteed success to all regular and repaper students. We offer B.TECH & DIPLOMA tuitions for all subjects and semester for universities like BPUT, KIIT, SOA,VSSUT,CV RAMAN, SCTE & VT & other technical universities , Autonomous institutions.

Sailent Feature :-

1. Highest success rate
2. Best study material
3. Special doubt clearing class inside & outside
4. Off line Test Series( weekly , monthly)
5. Excellent & experienced faculty
6. Exam oriented coaching
7. Personal Attention
8. Full Course Coverage
9. Separate batch For Weak Student & Back paper students
10. Revision Classes
11. Highest number of classes from basic to advance level
12. Highest number of hours in every subject for better understanding
13. Previous year question discussion
14. Library Facility